- Domínguez, L., Jamieson, E, Hicks, G. & Schmid, M. 2024. Differentiating between Superficial and Grammatical Attrition: Evidence from native speakers of German, Spanish and Southern British English in bilingual/bidialectal contexts. GALA16, University of Lisbon, 12-14 September
- Jamieson, E. 2024. On prepositions in Whalsay, Shetland. LAGB Annual Meeting, Newcastle University, 27-30 August
- Jamieson, E, Hicks, G., Domínguez, L. & Schmid, M. 2024. "People here ask where are you from": Southern speakers acquiring Northern features. NEW10, University of Chester, 27-28 June
- Hicks, G., Jamieson, E, Domínguez, L. & Schmid, M. 2023. L1 grammatical attrition in late Spanish/English bilinguals in the UK: Aspect in Spanish. LAGB Annual Meeting, Anglia Ruskin University, 29-31 August
- Jamieson, E, Schmid, M., Domínguez, L. & Hicks, G. 2023. The detection and repair of gender violations by German and Spanish L1 attriters: A self-paced reading study. International Symposium on Bilingualism 14, Macquarie University, 26-30 June
- Hart, A., Domínguez, L. & Jamieson, E. 2023. Investigating the linguistic and social effects of the first year of schooling on the grammar of child heritage speakers: Focus on Polish heritage children in the UK. HL@Cross, Istanbul, 29-30 May
- Jamieson, E, Domínguez, L., Hicks, G. & Schmid, M. 2022. Individual dialect attrition as an outcome of mobility: A methodological case study. Methods in Dialectology XVII, University of Mainz, 1-5 August
- Macuch, V. & Jamieson, E. 2022. Interpreting negated polar questions and tracking beliefs in online discourse processing. 44th DGfS Annual Conference, University of Tübingen, 23-25 February
- Macuch, V. & Jamieson, E. 2021. Processing polar questions with varying epistemic biases in English. 34th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, UPenn (online), 4-6 March
- Macuch, V. & Jamieson, E. 2021. Processing polar questions with varying epistemic biases in English. Workshop on Biased questions: Experimental results and theoretical modelling, ZAS Berlin (online), 4-5 February
- Thoms, G., Adger, D., Heycock, C., Jamieson, E, and Smith, J. 2020. Explaining microvariation with the Tolerance Principle. GLOW 43, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 1-3 April
- Jamieson, E, Thoms, G., Adger, D., Heycock, C. and Smith, J. 2020. Introducing the Scots Syntax Atlas. Workshop on Accessing English dialect syntax, LSA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 2-5 January
- Jamieson, E, Chien, S., Thoms, G., Adger, D., Heycock, C. and Smith, J. 2019. When intuitions (don't) fail: Combining syntax and sociolinguistics in the analysis of Scots. 8th BICLCE, University of Bamberg, 26-29 September
- Jamieson, E. 2019. The (dialect) syntax of demonstratives. LAGB Annual Meeting, Queen Mary University of London, 9-12 September
- Jamieson, E, Chien, S., Thoms, G., Adger, D., Heycock, C. and Smith, J. 2019. When intuitions (don't) fail: Sociosyntax in the analysis of Scots. UKLVC12, Queen Mary University of London, 3-5 September
- Thoms, G., Adger, D., Heycock, C., Jamieson, E and Smith, J. 2019. The curious development of have-raising. LSA Annual Meeting, New York, 3-6 January
- Jamieson, E. 2018. On overt subjects in English negative imperatives. LAGB Annual Meeting, University of Sheffield, 11-14 September
- Jamieson, E. 2018. Understanding dis demonstratives: adnominal and pronominal demonstratives in Shetland dialect. 12th Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster, University of Glasgow, 23-25 August
- Jamieson, E. 2018. Perceptual hyperdialectalism: a case study in Shetland dialect. Workshop on Language, Place and Periphery, University of Copenhagen, 18-19 January
- Jamieson, E. 2017. "Negation" and CHECK moves in the Shetland dialect of Scots. NELS 48, University of Iceland, 27-29 October
- Jamieson, E. 2017. "People widnae understand that, wint they no?": –int in Glasgow Scots. LAGB Annual Meeting, University of Kent, 4-7 September
- Jamieson, E. 2017. Availability of subjects in English negative imperatives. Workshop on Negation and Negativity in Natural Language, Ruhr University Bochum, 27-29 April
- Jamieson, E. 2017. Prosody and tag question forms in Glasgow Scots. 39th DGfS Annual Conference, Saarland University, 8-10 March
- Stadler, K., Jamieson, E, Smith, K. and Kirby, S. 2016. Metalinguistic awareness of trends as a driving force in linguistic evolution: An empirical study. Evolang 16, University of Southern Mississippi, 24-26 March
- Jamieson, E. 2016. Rich agreement in the Shetland dialect of Scots. 38th DGfS Annual Conference, University of Konstanz, 24-26 February
- Jamieson, E. 2015. Syntactic variation and change: imperatives in the Shetland dialect of Scots. LAGB Annual Meeting, University College London, 15-18 September
- Jamieson, E. 2015. An investigation of verb raising in the Shetland dialect of Scots. 4th Nordic Research Network Conference, University of Edinburgh, 18-19 February
- Domínguez, L., Hicks, G., Jamieson, E & Schmid, M. 2024. What causes Native Grammatical Attrition? Evidence from native speakers of German, Spanish and Southern British English in bidialectal/bilingual contexts. GASLA 17, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 22-24 May
- Domínguez, L., Jamieson, E, Hicks, G. & Schmid, M. 2023. Investigating native language attrition of late Spanish/English bilinguals in the UK: the case of aspectual marking in Spanish. EuroSLA 32, University of Birmingham, 30 August-2 September
- Hart, A., Domínguez, L. & Jamieson, E. 2023. Investigating the linguistic and social effects of the first year of schooling on the grammar of child heritage speakers: focus on Polish heritage children in the UK. EuroSLA 32, University of Birmingham, 30 August-2 September
- Jamieson, E. 2020. Pronominal demonstratives without NP-ellipsis: Evidence from Scots. Poster at Chicago Linguistic Society 56, Chicago, 30 April–2 May [cancelled due to Covid-19]
- Jamieson, E. 2019. The syntax of demonstratives in the Shetland dialect of Scots. Poster at LSA Annual Meeting, New York, 3-6 January
- Jamieson, E. 2018. Biased question vs. tag question: equally acceptable?. Poster at ConSOLE XXVI, University College London, 14-16 February
- Stadler, K. and Jamieson, E. 2016. Age vectors of categorical variables: quantifying speakers' knowledge about ongoing syntactic changes in Shetland Scots. Poster at NWAV 45, Simon Fraser University/University of Victoria, 3-6 November
- Stadler, K. and Jamieson, E. 2016. Quantifying speakers' awareness of a syntactic change in Shetland Scots. Poster at Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, University of Murcia, 15-18 June